These are the bare bones of an animated series telling tales of comic misery in a broke-ass city.
A splash of the show - 1:13
What the hell is Tough Town? Rough draft of an explainer - 2:18
Tough Town follows a bunch of fools, poets and dreamers as they take stabs at happiness in a crumbling metropolis. There´s an incompetent angel and her therapist, a cockroach who has problems of his own with 700 kids at home. There´s Rudy the bartender trying to make the city feel real again one drink at a time, and a serene, dreamy, hyper-allergic delivery driver who floats through the streets in a spacesuit. Add in lonely window yellers, bored thrill seekers, mute musical beatniks, heartbroken graffiti couples, and each episode adds up to a pungent hit of the comic chaos at work in the city.
Available for Development
Producers: Detailed Show Bible on request
Contact: Olav Wyper,
SMA Talent Limited, UK.
T: (+44) 137 9 586734
M: (+44) 7787177 263
SMA Talent Limited, UK.
T: (+44) 137 9 586734
M: (+44) 7787177 263
Thank you!
(Very) Rough Drafts - Basic Scene Sketches
Sketch #1 - Rudy the Bartender
Sketch #2 - Gayle in the Spacesuit
Contact: Olav Wyper, SMA Talent Limited, UK.
T: (+44) 137 9 586734
M: (+44) 7787177 263
T: (+44) 137 9 586734
M: (+44) 7787177 263