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Video: The concept explained in short
Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean will write something clever...Tough Town is an animated serie lorem ipsim. Dean
By Dean Clark and Frode Karlsen.

Like the concept?
We are looking for producer.
Please contact
Olav Wyper,
SMA Talent Limited, UK.
T: (+44) 137 9 586734
M: (+44) 7787177 263
Tough Town bible:

The show takes place in the near future in a vast, zany, broken-ass metropolis.
Tough Towners
Each episode tells the story of one deliciously flawed local who´s taking a stab at some kind of happiness.
Angels & Beatniks
Tough Town´s gracious, clumsy and slightly meshuggeneh angel pops in to play a small part in each story. On the streets, a band of beatniks lays down poetic riffs on the action, like a jazzy Greek chorus.
Mumblin´ sidewalks place their bets
And sirens chase the echoes down
Bodegas slap prices on regrets
´Cuz it´s a tough, tough town

What´s it like?
I guess if you took High Maintenance (with an angel instead of a weed guy) and mashed it up with Animals, and then spiced the unholy mess with a pinch of Tom Waits, you’d be damn close.
Sketches of scenes
Sketch #1 - Barscene
Sketch #2 - "Bubblegirl" - a hupo-allergic deliverygirl
Malaka - the angel
Tough Town´s angel floats through the background of each episode, taking on
different forms to help the action along. Malakia can be a pigeon, bar pixie,
taxi driver, cop, gust of wind, exterminator, you name it.
But she ́s not a class A angel. She ́s clumsy. And pretty foolish. Things often go
wrong when she tries to help humans. The fallout of her mistakes rise up
to become a drag on her soul, and her mood swings from playful sprite to a
bitterly complaining shrew to a weeping open soul.
So she goes on benders when she’s feeling guilty -
drinking gin, dumpster diving, and shtupping
strangers before she clears her head and gets back
to her cosmic work, which is doling out gr ace to
random Tough Towners, whether they deserve it
or not.
Rudy - The bartender
At Rudy´s at closing time
There´s Rudy moppin´ the bar
Cause men are puddles in midtown
Most don´t know where they are
And bend like shadows into the cracks

Rudy´s Tavern has always been a true dive bar, a hard place without apology. But now it´s starting to pull in hipsters with their faux coolness, so Rudy just pours drinks and grits his teeth because he needs the money. Finally, at closing time, he clears the place of the last of the drunk posers. The bar is his again,so he lets his guard down, takes out a mic and practices his secret little act - witnessed only by the unseen Malakia and some roaches - rehearsing for the night he’s gonna try to convince his ex-wife to come home.
Sol - the officeworker

So Sol gripped and ripped
The sticky bandage off
Just to make it sting
Just to make it sing
His nightly riff of chipped smiles
And nice tries
And holy immaculate inflatable lies

Sol is a fiesty 20-something temp worker who stares into the numbing dullness of a screen all day. He has a powerful urge to feel something, anything, real in his off-hours so, with the help of Tough Town´s angel, he discovers a kinky new scene called the «Cuddle and Run Brigade». Things take an unexpected turn on his first night out with the Brigaders, and he stumbles home at 3 a.m. with a bruised scrotum and a deed to a Florida time-share in hand.
All in all, a pretty damn good night.
Gayle - looking for love
Scaling off his red jacket
He cast his shriner-on-a-scooter look
on her exposed body
She knew what he wanted
They exchanged sex like toothbrushes
With gratitude and deep suspicion

Gayle is torn between breaking off a loveless affair with her landlord and
sticking with it to get a better apartment. There’s a deep sense of emptiness
and unrest gnawing at her. One day while walking her dog, she comes across
Tough Town´s angel in the form of an advice-giving pigeon and begins to follow
the bird´s life coaching. A series of incredibly poorly thought-out choices later,
she’s left her job, dog, lover and apartment to dedicate her life to working with
traumatized cats.
The Blattae family - the happy cockroaches
Tough, resilient and optomistic, the Blattae are enjoying family life in the home they´ve
carved out in the mouth o f a tiger statue in the city´s park. But tensions begin to rise when Sheldon realizes the family´s lastest pupa may not be his and Myrna worries about the rumors of a new cleaning fluid the city has begun using that may have deadly consequences.
Donald - the window yeller
Life on the 4th floor with a bad leg and
a dead dog leads to some spicy social
Hypo-Allergic Sara
A scooter, a spacesuit and a new job breaks
Sara out of her depression.

Leonardo & Munch - grafittiboys
Lorem ipsum

Rising out of the ether on the streets of Tough Town, a band of jazz-playing spirits form to riff on the characters and action of each episode, acting as a kind of bargain-basement Greek Chorus.
The rhythyms of the traffic, the cool might of the big city, the beauty in the grit, the cracks in the concrete where where kindness bubbles up, it all mixes in to the music and poetry the beatniks crank out on each episode. Like this here from the Rudy episode:
At Rudy´s in Hell´s Kitchen
there´s a damned sight to see
in the black-soot window:
A hangin´ sign of depressed neon
welcome here
rest here
collide here
ain´t no magic here
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